Friday, May 2, 2014

Welcome to the Lair

 This blog is an attempt to  document the creative process behind the writing, drawing, inking, lettering, coloring, scanning and eventual publishing of the  Kung Fu Rabbit saga.
  Why do this? You may ask.  Good question.
  Years ago ( high school) I developed a character known as Kung Fu Rabbit, long before the  animated movie of the same name.  It started out as some  colored pencil drawings on some graph paper in a loose leave  notebook that I was supposed to be  using for school work.  It was a series of one-shot panels, consisting mainly of a series of running jokes  involving a light brown rabbit in a martial arts outfit who went around  battling  various other  rabbit-esque characters  like the Easter Bunny. We threw in some other villains that were running jokes between my buddy Carlton and myself.  That loose leaf folder with  about 20 or 30 drawings in it somehow survived all my time in the military and all my subsequent moves and  surfaced in a box of stuff about 7 or 8 years ago.  Keep in mind, I've had a lot of ideas, most of them pretty silly, but  for some reason this one stuck with me.  So in 2007, I  took those loose leaf drawings and used them as a skeleton for a webcomic.

  Looking back, it's really obvious that I had no idea what I was doing.  In addition to having little formal  art education, I didn't really have the  materials I need to pull this off.  I bought some 11 x 17 Bristol board and would draw out the comic page, then ink it, then scan it.  Trouble was, I had an  8.5 x 11 scanner, so I wound up having to scan every page at least twice and then  paste it all together in Photoshop. I would then  color the page and post it.  It was insanely time consuming to update every 3 or 4 days like a good webcomic should.
  About this time we were having kids like there was no tomorrow and I was working two jobs and  it all began to fall  behind.  There were only so many hours in the day, and I had to prioritize, so the rabbit lost out.
  I continued to draw, actually working for  5 years as a political cartoonist as well as drawing for the ministry.  Every once in a while I would sketch out a  KFR scene or think about the story.  I wrote a book or two, and as I  matured as a writer, and as an artist, I realized that the story had been missing some things all along.  It was still a good idea, but it would be better now, than it had been before.
  So the idea now is to  take what I have, tweak it where necessary to make it better and publish it on Kindle.  This blog will hopefully  help  keep me focused.  I intend to release the prologue story on Kindle for free, and depending on the response, follow up with the main story.
  Along the way I'll post sketches and  tell some stories about what went wrong, what went right, and what I'm learning along the way.  Hope you decide to  come along.

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